1. 如果還沒安裝 portupgrade 套件,請先安裝該套件
# cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade
# make install clean
2. 列出 portsclean 功能
# portsclean -h
portsclean 2.4.15 (2019/10/04)
usage: portsclean [-hCDDiLnPPQQq]
-h, --help Show this message
-C, --workclean Clean up working directories
-D, --distclean Clean up distfiles which are not referenced from any
port in the ports tree;
Specified twice, clean up distfiles which are not
referenced from any port that is currently installed
-i, --interactive Turn on interactive mode
-L, --libclean Clean up old shared libraries
-n, --noexecute Do not actually delete files
-P, --pkgclean Clean up outdated package tarballs;
Specified twice, delete all the package tarballs
-Q, --quiet Do not write anything to stdout;
Specified twice, stderr neither
-q, --noconfig Do not read pkgtools.conf
Environment Variables [default]:
PACKAGES packages directory [$PORTSDIR/packages]
PKGTOOLS_CONF configuration file [$PREFIX/etc/pkgtools.conf]
PKG_DBDIR packages DB directory [/var/db/pkg]
PORTSDIR ports directory [/usr/ports]
PORTS_DBDIR ports db directory [$PORTSDIR]
PORTS_INDEX ports index file [$PORTSDIR/INDEX]
3. 刪除 work 資料匣
# portsclean -C
Cleaning out /usr/ports/*/*/work...
Delete /usr/ports/databases/pecl-mongodb/work
Delete /usr/ports/shells/bash/work
Delete /usr/ports/textproc/xmlto/work
Delete /usr/ports/textproc/asciidoc/work
Delete /usr/ports/devel/libatomic_ops/work
Delete /usr/ports/devel/boehm-gc/work
Delete /usr/ports/devel/git/work
Delete /usr/ports/devel/cvsps/work
Delete /usr/ports/www/w3m/work
Delete /usr/ports/security/p5-Authen-SASL/work
Delete /usr/ports/security/p5-Digest-HMAC/work
Delete /usr/ports/misc/getopt/work
Delete /usr/ports/lang/p5-Error/work
精通 Shell 程式設計(第四版)
Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X, 4th Edition
作者: Stephen G. Kochan, Patrick Wood
譯者: 蔡明志