解決 NetApp AutoSupport message: (OUT OF INODES) ERROR
發生原因: 同一個volume 雖然空間夠,但檔案數量過多,inode 不足用盡,所以無法再寫入檔案
1. 把檔案搬到其他volume 或是移除不必要的檔案
2. 新增 volume 的 maxfiles 數量
(1)登入netapp cli 介面
(2)輸入 df -i 或是 maxfiles "volume名稱"
可以看到目前volume 的使用狀況
(3)如何增加 maxfiles
maxfiles "volume名稱" "inode數量"
filer> maxfiles voltest 63753378
The new maximum number of files specified is more than twice as big as
it needs to be, based on current usage patterns. This invocation of the
operation on the specified volume will allow disk space consumption for
files to grow up to the new limit depending on your workload. The maxfiles
setting cannot be lowered below the point of any such additional disk space
consumption and any additional disk space consumed can never be reclaimed.
Also, such consumption of additional disk space could result in less
available memory after an upgrade.
The new maximum number of files will be rounded to 63753378.
Are you sure you want to change the maximum number of files? y