這幾天透過esx 6.5 的 web ui 要mount 一個 nfs 的 datastore
已經確定 nfs server 設定正常,但就是mount 不起來
Failed to mount NFS datastore shared - The specified key, name, or identifier '/vmfs/volumes/15xxxxxx-a3xxxxxx' already exists. - dismiss
Failed to mount NFS datastore shared - Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to get console path for volume, shared - dismiss
Failed to mount NFS datastore shared - The specified key, name, or identifier 'shared' already exists
最後只好透過 cli 指令來新增一個 datastore
[root@esx-lab:~] esxcfg-nas -a shared -o -s /vol/shared
df -h 查看是否 mount成功
最後重開機測試是否會自動 mount
esxcfg-nas 參數
esxcfg-nas <options> [<label>]
-a|--add Add a new NAS filesystem to /vmfs volumes.
Requires --host and --share options.
Use --readonly option only for readonly access.
-o|--host <host> Set the host name or ip address for a NAS mount.
For version 4.1, can be a comma-separated list.
-s|--share <share> Set the name of the NAS share on the remote system.
-y|--readonly Add the new NAS filesystem with readonly access.
-d|--delete Unmount and delete a filesystem.
-l|--list List the currently mounted NAS file systems.
-v|--version <version> Specify NFS version (3 or 4.1)
Required for add; optional for list.
-U|--user <user> Set per host NFS user and password
Requires --version 4.1 option
-C|--user-clear Clear per host NFS user and password
Requires --version 4.1 option
-L|--user-list List per host NFS user and number of passwords
Requires --version 4.1 option
-r|--restore Restore all NFS version 3 mounts from the configuration file.
-h|--help Show this message.
VMware vSphere 6.7私有雲建置實戰
作者: 顧武雄