安裝 apache + php + mysql 就不再多說了
首先安裝 drush , drush 是文字模式下一個好用的工具
cd /usr/ports/www/drush
make install
接下來透過drush 安裝drupal 核心程式
先切換到 apache 的 DocumentRoot 或是其他可以access 到網頁的路徑
cd /home/www
drush dl drupal
Project drupal (7.43) downloaded to /home/web/www2/drupal-7.43. [success]
Project drupal contains: [success]
- 3 profiles: minimal, standard, testing
- 4 themes: bartik, seven, garland, stark
- 47 modules: drupal_system_listing_incompatible_test, drupal_system_listing_compatible_test, book, php, translation, shortcut, contact, image, profile,
field_ui, dashboard, blog, dblog, search, help, file, forum, locale, block, syslog, node, update, statistics, contextual, overlay, system, field_sql_storage,
text, list, number, options, field, rdf, path, user, toolbar, menu, color, poll, comment, aggregator, taxonomy, filter, openid, tracker, simpletest, trigger
這時候drupal 已經幫你在當下的目錄下載好目前最新release 的D drupal 7.x
找到Chinese, Traditional , 7.x
回到drupal 目錄
cd profiles/standard/translations/
wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/translations/7.x/drupal/drupal-7.43.zh-hant.po
Choose profile -> Standard > save and continue
Choose language -> Chinese, Traditional (繁體中文) -> save and continue
檢查系統需求 -> 依照指示完成系統需求
cd sites/default
mkdir files && chown www:www files
cp default.settings.php settings.php && chown www:www settings.php
設定資料庫 -> 安裝設定檔 -> 設定翻譯語言 -> 設定網站 -> 介面翻譯完成 -> 已完成